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Information Resources


JOD CPAs tries to keep our clients up to date on the latest tax changes, provide advise on minimizing taxes and operating a successful small business.   Below you will find a library of informative articles relating to various financial topics.​


Auto Loan Early Payoff
Find out how much interest you can save by increasing your monthly auto loan payment.
Auto Rebate vs. Low Interest Financing
Use this calculator to help you determine whether you should take advantage of low interest financing or a manufacturer rebate.
Auto Refinance Interest Savings
Use this calculator to see how much interest you can save by refinancing your auto loan.
Bi-weekly Payments for an Auto Loan
This calculator shows you possible savings by using an accelerated bi-weekly payment on your auto loan. This simple technique can shave time off your auto loan and could save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in interest.
Bi-weekly Payments for an Auto Loan with Fees
This calculator shows you possible savings by using an accelerated bi-weekly payment on your auto loan. This simple technique can shave time off your auto loan and could save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in interest.
Car Loan Calculator
Determine your car loan payment based on your purchase price or find out how much you can buy based on your monthly payment.
Dealer Financing vs. Credit Union Financing
Use this calculator to help you determine whether you should take advantage of low interest dealer financing or credit union financing combined with a manufacturer rebate.
Home Equity Loan vs. Auto loan
Use this calculator to determine if a home equity loan makes sense for your next automobile purchase.
Lease vs. Buy
Should you lease your next automobile or finance it? Find out with this calculator!
Low Interest Financing Savings
Low, promotional interest rates can save you a great deal of money when you finance your car or truck. Use this calculator to help find the best monthly payment and how much interest you could save.
Debt and Credit Cards
Accelerated Debt Payoff
Consolidating your debt is only half of the battle. You still need a plan to get your debt paid in full. This calculator can show you how to accelerate your debt payoff.
Debt and Credit Cards
Consolidation Loan Investment Calculator
Getting a consolidation loan can do more than payoff your debt. Use this calculator to see the results of paying off your debt and investing your payment savings.
Debt and Credit Cards
Cost-of-Debt Calculator
Use this calculator to see just how expensive paying interest on your debt can be.
Debt and Credit Cards
Credit Card Minimum Payment Calculator
Use this calculator to determine how long it will take you to payoff your credit cards if you only make the minimum payments.
Debt and Credit Cards
Credit Card Optimizer
The Credit Card Optimizer helps you determine the best distribution of your credit card debt.
Debt and Credit Cards
Credit Card Pay Off
Use this calculator to see what it will take to pay off your credit card balance, and what you can change to meet your repayment goals.
Debt and Credit Cards
Home Equity Debt Consolidation
This calculator is designed to help determine whether using your home equity to consolidate your debt is right for you.
Debt and Credit Cards
How much do you owe?
Use this calculator as a starting point for your debt management plan.
Debt and Credit Cards
Personal Debt Consolidation
Should you consolidate your debt? This calculator is designed to help determine if debt consolidation is right for you.
Debt and Credit Cards
Roll-Down Your Credit Card Debt!
The Credit Card Roll-Down Calculator applies two simple principles to paying off your credit card debt.
Debt and Credit Cards
Snowball Debt Elimination Calculator
This Debt Calculator applies two simple principles to paying off all your Debt that can cut years off of your repayment schedule.
Debt and Credit Cards
Student Loan Consolidation and Debt Payoff
The Student Loan Consolidation and Debt Payoff calculator applies two simple principles to paying off your Debt; Consolidate your student loans, and use the monthly savings to pay off your other outstanding debt.
Alternative Payment Frequencies
Use this calculator to determine your payment or loan amount for different payment frequencies.
Amortizing Loan Calculator
Enter your desired payment - and let us calculate your loan amount. Or, enter in the loan amount and we will calculate your monthly payment!
Balloon Loan Calculator
A balloon loan can be an excellent option for many borrowers. Use this calculator to see how a balloon loan might work for you.
Debt Consolidation Calculator
Should you consolidate your debt? Use this calculator to find out.
Enhanced Loan Calculator
Use the slider controls to instantly change your monthly payment, loan amount, interest rate or term.
Equity Line of Credit Payments
What will my monthly payments be for an interest only equity line of credit?
Existing Loan Calculator
Use this calculator to analyze one of your existing loans. Calculate your remaining balance based on the number of monthly payments you have remaining.
Home Equity Line of Credit Calculator
How big of a home equity line of credit can you receive? Use this calculator to find out!
Line of Credit Payoff
Use this calculator to see what it will take to pay off your line of credit, and what you can change to meet your repayment goals.
Loan & Credit Line Payment
This calculator helps determine your loan or credit line payment.
Loan & Credit Line Tax Savings
This calculator helps determine your tax savings on loans or credit lines with tax deductible interest payments.
Loan Comparison Calculator
Use this calculator to sort through the monthly payments, fees and other costs when comparing loan options.
Loan Prequalification Calculator
Use this calculator as your first step in determining your ability to qualify for a loan.
APR Calculator for Adjustable Rate Mortgages
Use this calculator to find the APR on your adjustable rate mortgage.
ARM & Interest Only ARM vs. Fixed Rate Mortgage
Use this calculator to compare a fixed rate mortgage to two types of ARMs, a Fully Amortizing ARM and an Interest Only ARM.
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Calculator
This calculator helps you to determine what your adjustable mortgage payments will be.
Balloon Mortgages
A balloon mortgage can be an excellent option for many home buyers, use this calculator to see if a balloon mortgage might fit your needs.
Bi-weekly Payment Calculator
Using bi-weekly payments can accelerate your mortgage payoff and save you thousands in interest. Use this calculator to compare a typical monthly payment schedule to an accelerated bi-weekly payment.
Bi-weekly Payments for an Existing Mortgage
This calculator shows you the possible savings by starting to pay your current mortgage with bi-weekly payments, instead of monthly payments.
Blended Rate Mortgage Calculator
This calculator helps you determine the effective, or blended, interest rate you would pay if you use a first and a second mortgage to finance the purchase of a home.
FHA Maximum Financing Calculator
Use this calculator to determine your maximum FHA mortgage and cash needed for closing.
Fixed Rate Mortgage vs. Interest Only Mortgage
Use this calculator to compare a fixed rate mortgage to Interest Only Mortgage.
Fixed Rate Mortgage vs. LIBOR ARM
Use this calculator to compare a fixed rate mortgage to a LIBOR ARM.
Interest Only ARM Calculator
Interest only mortgages can provide you with very low monthly payments, however you are not paying off any principal during the interest only period.
Interest Only Mortgage Calculator
Use this calculator to generate an amortization schedule for an interest only mortgage.
Maximum Mortgage
Use this calculator to determine your maximum mortgage and how different interest rates affect your how much you can borrow.
Mortgage APR Calculator
Use this calculator to find the APR on your mortgage.
Mortgage Comparison: 15 Years vs. 30 Years
Use this calculator to compare these two mortgage terms, and let us help you decide which term is better for you.
Mortgage Debt Consolidation
This calculator is designed to help determine whether using a mortgage to consolidate your debt is right for you.
Mortgage Loan Calculator
Use this calculator to determine your monthly payment and amortization schedule.
Mortgage Loan Calculator (PITI)
Use this calculator to determine your monthly mortgage principal, interest, taxes and insurance payment (PITI) and amortization schedule.
Mortgage Payoff
Save thousands of dollars in interest by increasing your monthly mortgage payment.
Mortgage Points Calculator
Should you buy points? Use this calculator to find out.
Mortgage Qualifier
Can you buy your dream home? Find out just how much you can afford!
Mortgage Refinance Break Even
Should you refinance your mortgage? Use this calculator to determine when you will break even.
Mortgage Required Income
Use this calculator to determine how much income you need to qualify for a mortgage and how different interest rates affect your required income.
Mortgage Tax Savings Calculator
Interest and points paid for a home mortgage are tax deductible. Use this calculator to determine how much your mortgage could save you in income taxes.
Option ARM vs. Fixed Rate Mortgage
Use this calculator see how a minimum payment on an Option ARM Mortgage can save you money on your monthly mortgage payment.
Refinance Interest Savings
Use this calculator to see how much interest you can save by refinancing your mortgage!
Rent vs. Buy
Are you better off buying your home, or should you continue to rent?
Reverse Mortgage Calculator
This calculator is specifically designed to show you how the outstanding balance of a reverse mortgage can rapidly grow over a period of time.
401(k) Calculator
A 401(k) can be one of your best tools for creating a secure retirement. Use this calculator to see why this is a retirement savings plan you cannot afford to pass up.
401(k) Savings with Profit Sharing
Use this calculator to how a 401(k) with profit sharing plan can help you save for retirement.
401(k) Spend It or Save It Calculator
There are several ways to manage your 401(k) when you leave an employer. Making the wrong decision can cost you thousands of dollars both in taxes and lost earnings.
403(b) Savings Calculator
If you are an employee of a non-profit tax-exempt organization, a 403(b) can be one of your best tools for creating a secure retirement.
457 Plan Contribution Effects on Your Paycheck
Use this calculator to see how increasing your contributions to a 457 plan can affect your paycheck as well as your retirement.
457 Plan Withdrawal
Use this calculator to see what your net 457 plan withdrawal would be after taxes are taken into account.
457 Plan: Roth vs. Pre-tax
Use this calculator to help determine whether a Roth or Pre-tax 457 might be best for you.
457 Savings Calculator
A 457 plan can be one of your best tools for creating a secure retirement. Use this calculator to see why this is a retirement savings plan you cannot afford to pass up.
72(t) Calculator
The IRS Rule 72T allows for penalty free, early withdrawals from retirement accounts. Use this calculator to determine your allowable 72T Distribution and how it can help fund your early retirement.
72(t) Distribution Impact
This calculator is designed to examine the affects of 72T distributions on your retirement plan balance.
Beneficiary Required Minimum Distributions
Use this calculator to determine your Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) as a beneficiary of a retirement account.
Company Stock Distribution Analysis Calculator
If you own company stock in a retirement plan you may be able to take advantage of using the long term capital gains tax rate rather than your ordinary income tax rate on this investment.
How Important is Social Security?
Use this calculator to determine how losing this important retirement asset could affect you.
How long will my retirement savings last?
Use this calculator to see how long your retirement savings will last based on your retirement savings and your inflation adjusted withdrawals.
IRA Spend It or Save It Calculator
Spending your IRA before your retire can be a costly decision. See how taking your out IRA early could cost you thousands of dollars both in taxes and lost earnings.
Individual 401(k) Contribution Comparison
Use this calculator to determine your maximum Individual 401(k) contribution as compared to three other possible plan options.
Individual 401(k) Savings Calculator
Use this calculator to see the benefits of an Individual 401(k) for the self-employed.
Life Expectancy
This calculator can give you an idea of your life expectancy based on your current age, smoking habits, gender and several other important lifestyle choices.
Pension Plan Retirement Options
Use this calculator to help decide between joint survivorship and single survivorship pension options.
RMD & Stretch IRA Calculator
Use this calculator to help determine how you can stretch out your retirement plan distributions for as long as possible.
Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)
Use this calculator to determine your Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) as an account owner of a retirement account. This financial calculator will also look at potential future year's distribution requirements.
Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) for Current Year
Use this calculator to determine your Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) as an account owner of a retirement account for the current year.
Retirement Account Contribution Accelerator
Use this calculator to see how increasing your contributions to qualified retirement plan help save for your retirement.
Retirement Contribution Effects on Your Paycheck
Use this calculator to see how increasing your contributions to a 401(k), 403(b) or 457 plan can affect your paycheck as well as your retirement.
Retirement Income
Use this calculator to determine how much monthly income your retirement savings may provide you in your retirement.
Retirement Nestegg Calculator
Do you know how much it takes to create a secure retirement? Use this calculator to help determine what size your retirement nestegg should be.
Retirement Pension Planner
Plan your retirement with a company pension, find out if you are on track - and learn how to stay there.
Retirement Plan Withdrawal
Use this calculator to see what your net withdrawal would be after taxes and penalties are taken into account.
Retirement Planner
Quickly determine if your retirement plan is on track - and learn how to keep it there.
Retirement Planner with Retirement Earnings
Plan your retirement with pension and possible retirement employment income. Find out if you are on track - and learn how to stay there.
Retirement Shortfall
Running out of your retirement savings too soon is one of the biggest risks to a comfortable retirement. Use this calculator to find a potential shortfall in your current retirement savings plan.
Roth (after-tax) Account or Pre-Tax Account?
Starting in 2006, you may have the option to contribute to Roth account. Use this calculator to help determine which retirement plan option might be best for you.
Roth 401(k) vs. Traditional 401(k)
Use this calculator to determine which 401(k) contribution type might be right for you.
Roth 403(b) vs. Traditional 403(b)
Use this calculator to determine which 403(b) contribution type might be right for you
Roth IRA Calculator
Use this calculator to compare the Roth IRA to an ordinary taxable investment.
Roth IRA Conversion
This calculator will show the advantage, if any, of converting your IRA to a Roth.
Roth IRA Conversion with Distributions
Use this calculator to help determine how you can stretch out your retirement plan distributions for as long as possible.
Roth IRA vs. Traditional IRA
Use this calculator to determine which IRA may be right for you.
Roth vs. Traditional 401(k) and your Paycheck
See how a Roth vs. Traditional 401(k) might affect your take home pay as well as your retirement savings.
Should you Borrow From a 401(k) or 403(b)?
The majority of 401(k) plans and a growing number of 403(b) plans let you borrow money from your account. Use this calculator to help you determine if you should borrow, and the potential impact on your retirement savings.
Social Security Benefits
Use this calculator to estimate your Social Security benefits.
Traditional IRA Calculator
How can contributing to a regular IRA help you in your retirement?
1040 Tax Calculator
Enter your filing status, income, deductions and credits and we will estimate your total tax. Based on your projected withholdings for the year, we can also estimate your tax refund or amount you may owe the IRS next April.
Earned Income Credit (EIC) Calculator
Use this calculator to determine if you qualify for the Earned Income Credit and if so, how much it might be worth.
Marginal Tax Rate Calculator
Use this calculator to determine your marginal and effective tax rates. This calculator sorts through the tax brackets and filing options to calculate your true tax liability.
Self-Employment Tax Calculator
If you are self-employed, operate a farm or are a church employee use this calculator to determine your self-employment taxes.
U.S. 1040EZ Tax Form Calculator
Many people can use the 1040EZ tax form instead of the more complicated 1040 to calculate their taxes. Containing only seven required inputs, the 1040EZ is one of the quickest forms to calculate your tax bill.

Serving individuals, small businesses, farms and not-for-profit organizations in southern Minnesota from Faribault since 1979

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